Mediation Resources

A page of the newsletter with a picture of some trees.

There is a wealth of information available about divorce, but couples in mediation often desire specific tools and resources to facilitate a peaceful separation and co-parenting plan. Below you will find a list of my favorite resources, including links for mediation and conflict resolution. Books Better Apart: The Radically Positive Way to Separate, Gabrielle Hartley…

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Why Mediate?

Why Mediate?

Mediation tends to be peaceful and positive. Most families prefer to make decisions together rather than using an adversarial court process. Mediation encourages cooperation and agreement and is a relatively simple process compared to alternative methods. AVOID COURT! Your family does NOT belong in court. Family matters should be private and confidential. Most parents and…

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When going through a divorce, one of the most critical documents you'll need is a Marriage Settlement Agreement (MSA).

NOT PREPARED Each of you must prepare your documents and gather information for each mediation session. Taking the time you need to organize your finances, and sharing information with your partner early on will save you time and money in the long run. If information is missing or incomplete, it can be difficult to make…

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Back to School Co-Parenting Tips


School is starting soon and this can be a difficult time for co-parents. Here are a few tips to ease the transition for the children. Start planning early. As soon as school, sports, and extracurricular schedules are released, share them with the other parent or caregiver so that appropriate scheduling can commence. It may be…

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Mediation for Alienated Parents

A picture of some trees with the words " why meditate ?" on it.

Mediation is a helpful tool to bridge the communication gap between alienated parents. Mediation clients often share that one or more of the children “refuses” to see the other parent or does not want to see the other parent during their designated visitation schedule. Over time, this behavior may result in the other parent becoming…

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How to Save Money on Your Divorce

Clement Mediation

Divorce is not complicated, it is simply the end of your legal status as a married couple. In Pennsylvania, property and debts are divided equitably (Equitable Distribution). The process is straightforward, couples must equitably divide, distribute or assign the marital property. However, if you and your spouse want to fight about it, divorce lawyers will…

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The Family Law Nightmare

When going through a divorce, one of the most critical documents you'll need is a Marriage Settlement Agreement (MSA).

As you may be aware, Family Law matters can quickly snowball out of control. Both sides may threaten to take the house or the kids or may falsely claim abuse to gain the upper hand in a divorce proceeding. Sadly, lawyers play a role in the drama by escalating conflict. Why would this happen? Simply…

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What Type Of Mediation Is Right For Me?

A woman in a blue suit with her arms crossed.

Prenuptial/Premarital Mediation Prenuptial Mediation is for dating or engaged couples to discuss issues related to their relationship, wedding day, and future marriage. Premarital agreement mediation can help prevent an adversarial approach and help couples communicate and determine their own terms with a neutral mediator. In premarital mediation, you have equal bargaining power over the outcome.…

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There’s No Such Thing As A Dragon

Mediation: The next best step when reconciliation fails.

My career as a divorce mediator has taught me many lessons, and my clients have become my greatest teachers.  I have noticed that several of the same issues repeatedly lead couples to my office for divorce or separation.   The pattern I have seen so often brings to mind the children’s book “There’s no such thing…

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