Pay Attention!
Avoid Divorce: Pay attention to these important responses from your partner.
Read MoreHow Much Does Divorce Cost?
A mediated divorce costs between $1,200 – $5,000.
Litigated divorce averages $20,000 +.
Divorce/custody battles can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.
How to Talk to Your Spouse About Mediation
Couples often reach out about the mediation process for the separation, divorce or custody, but are not sure how to approach the subject with their partner or significant other. Perhaps the mediation process sounds like a good choice for your family but having the initial conversation may be difficult. Chances are, it may already be…
Read MoreThings to Consider Before Divorce
Before starting a divorce, consider taking steps to ensure a smooth mediation process. Rushing into a legal and financial separation is not wise and can end up costing you and your family financial and emotional heartache. Here are a few things to consider before beginning the divorce process. 1. Individual Therapy Working on yourself before…
Read MoreMediation Resources
There is a wealth of information available about divorce, but couples in mediation often desire specific tools and resources to facilitate a peaceful separation and co-parenting plan. Below you will find a list of my favorite resources, including links for mediation and conflict resolution. Books Better Apart: The Radically Positive Way to Separate, Gabrielle Hartley…
Read More50/50 Parenting Guide
50/50 Parenting Guide
NOT PREPARED Each of you must prepare your documents and gather information for each mediation session. Taking the time you need to organize your finances, and sharing information with your partner early on will save you time and money in the long run. If information is missing or incomplete, it can be difficult to make…
Read MoreBack to School Co-Parenting Tips
School is starting soon and this can be a difficult time for co-parents. Here are a few tips to ease the transition for the children. Start planning early. As soon as school, sports, and extracurricular schedules are released, share them with the other parent or caregiver so that appropriate scheduling can commence. It may be…
Read MoreMediation for Alienated Parents
Mediation is a helpful tool to bridge the communication gap between alienated parents. Mediation clients often share that one or more of the children “refuses” to see the other parent or does not want to see the other parent during their designated visitation schedule. Over time, this behavior may result in the other parent becoming…
Read MoreHow to Save Money on Your Divorce
Divorce is not complicated, it is simply the end of your legal status as a married couple. In Pennsylvania, property and debts are divided equitably (Equitable Distribution). The process is straightforward, couples must equitably divide, distribute or assign the marital property. However, if you and your spouse want to fight about it, divorce lawyers will…
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