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Clement Mediation
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Divorce Mediation
Divorce Mediation is for couples separating or divorcing who prefer to keep their family out of court. Couples meet together with a neutral mediator to discuss important topics, such as the family home, bank accounts, vehicles, and children. Together, you will decide the circumstances and details of your divorce or separation. Your interests are equally considered during the process, and you are empowered to make decisions in the best interest of you and your family.
Coparenting Mediation
Coparenting Mediation is for parents that prefer a simple, affordable, and confidential custody and child support arrangement. Using a mediator offers parents flexibility and can help resolve co-parenting issues. In mediation, we customize an arrangement specific to your family’s needs and lifestyle, keeping your family out of court!
Marital Mediation
Marital Mediation is for couples facing marital challenges and who would prefer to stay married and resolve conflicts together. The main goal or purpose of marital mediation is to avoid divorce. Marital mediation is not therapy. Your mediator will guide you through a practical approach to resolve marital conflict using proven dispute resolution techniques.
Family Mediation
Family mediation is a tool for parents and their adult children, adult siblings, aging parents and their children, and other relatives. Family mediation can help with family dynamics, resolve family disputes and disagreements over finances, a family estate, inheritance, and decisions around your parents’ medical/health care or living arrangement. Family mediation can keep you and your family members out of court with a peaceful resolution.
Prenuptial/Premarital Mediation
Prenuptial Mediation is for dating or engaged couples to discuss issues related to their relationship, wedding day, and future marriage. Premarital agreement mediation can help prevent an adversarial approach and help couples communicate and determine their own terms with a neutral mediator. In premarital mediation, you have equal bargaining power over the outcome.
If your partner will not mediate, individual coaching can help you assess the issues, strengths, and weaknesses of your situation. Coaching can help you identify and set realistic outcomes and avoid conflicts with your former partner or family member. Coaching can help you identify and clarify your goals and consider the best available options given the circumstances.